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Author Topic: Perfect Bomb Vicky in Barnet - Info?  (Read 914 times)


  • Guest
Perfect Bomb Vicky External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only  Used to be in Glasgow on AW since 2010 but no feedback. Too good to be true?

Offline davidgood

Perfect Bomb Vicky External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only  Used to be in Glasgow on AW since 2010 but no feedback. Too good to be true?
Seems too good to be true, especially at the rates she is charging.

The wording of the profile looks a bit like a dark haired girl who has a profile which says she is an accountant. I did speak to her once and her location was Finchley rather than Barnet. A little walk from a tube station.

If anyone has experience of Vicky I would be pleased if they can share the info.



Offline laidbackasiandude

Not completely sure whether this is definitely a B&S profile (leaning toward thinking so), but
this is the analysis I've come up with.

Look at this AW image for "Perfect Bomb Vicky"   External Link/Members Only

I'm getting results which NOT identical but come up with images that are of this "Vicky"
which appear to have been skimmed off a Norwegian Porno/Web Cam site, I've shortened
the URL as follows:

External Link/Members Only

If you also look closely at the AW profile inception date, 3/2/2010, there have been just over 20,000 hits/views
which is a staggeringly low count for a profile well over five years old.

Offline Elegant Turtle

I find a lot of fake profiles similar in style to hers the same number of miles from me, External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only is another example.

They come and go quite regularly although this one seems to have been around for a while. Still, I would say 100% it's a fake profile.


  • Guest
Sent Vicky a message on AW yesterday, it is marked unread even though she logged in today.

Offline laidbackasiandude

I find a lot of fake profiles similar in style to hers the same number of miles from me, External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only is another example.

They come and go quite regularly although this one seems to have been around for a while. Still, I would say 100% it's a fake profile.

And you are correct, as confirmed by following analysis:

AW Image "jackassrainly"  External Link/Members Only

MATCHES EXACTLY this image  External Link/Members Only

The model shown is a CamGirl by the name of "Jasmine4" which has been used on the AW profile.
I'm virtually certain that AW Perfect Bomb Vicky is also fake too (analysis already provided).

Offline webpunter

Deffo fake IMO.  Least she spelt luxury correctly  :sarcastic:  The pricing is the give-away.  Should be 120+ with her looks even in Barnet - which is wall-to-wall EE hookers