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Author Topic: Punting Top Tips  (Read 30849 times)

Offline ArtVandalay

1. If you're waiting for a call/text to say "it's time to come up" wait for it in the car or go for a walk round the block.
Standing outside the apartment building clutching your phone with a nervous look on your face is not the way to look inconspicuous

Offline Jeff_withpetersen


1.1 Check there is signal on your phone, especially if you're in the East of England where full network coverage appears to be a long term aspiration rather than something that should've happened 20 years ago. Otherwise you can end up getting the message late and the woman expecting you to take that out of your time. Or them throwing their toys out of the pram and refusing to see you full stop.

Offline myothernameis

End tip

2.0  when finished and leaving make sure you have done up your flies, and leave the building quietly

There nothing worse than going down the close stairs with your flies undone, and  the escort neighbour coming past you


  • Guest
1/ don't panic unless there is a huge sign above the door saying BROTHEL no one knows that's what your there for.if questioned say your there to see an old school friend.

2/ don't be shy in walking. There's nothing worse in going through with a punt if you don't like the girl, her manner or have changed your mind. This is meant to be enjoyable.

3/ always be polite. No girl wants a rude , tit grabbing cave man . she'll give you a much better service if you're nice.

4/ if you're not sure about the punt /locations safety. leave your wallet at home after taking out enough for the punt., leave your driving licence or any identity at home. If anything goes wrong they get nothing even if they search your pockets whilst your showering. Never be afraid to walk if you don't feel safe.

5/ if you're married /connected don't risk getting caught. Make sure the girls not wearing perfume that can rub on on. Delete numbers and texts if using a personal phone put regular numbers in your work phone as company names like Sarah at service Ltd etc if not away on business cover your time.  Drinks with mates etc. Mostly important if you have a guilty conscience don't do it. YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT.


  • Guest
1/ don't panic unless there is a huge sign above the door saying BROTHEL no one knows that's what your there for.if questioned say your there to see an old school friend.

2/ don't be shy in walking. There's nothing worse in going through with a punt if you don't like the girl, her manner or have changed your mind. This is meant to be enjoyable.

3/ always be polite. No girl wants a rude , tit grabbing cave man . she'll give you a much better service if you're nice.

4/ if you're not sure about the punt /locations safety. leave your wallet at home after taking out enough for the punt., leave your driving licence or any identity at home. If anything goes wrong they get nothing even if they search your pockets whilst your showering. Never be afraid to walk if you don't feel safe.

5/ if you're married /connected don't risk getting caught. Make sure the girls not wearing perfume that can rub on on. Delete numbers and texts if using a personal phone put regular numbers in your work phone as company names like Sarah at service Ltd etc if not away on business cover your time.  Drinks with mates etc. Mostly important if you have a guilty conscience don't do it. YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT.

I would add :

6/ drive to the punt legally and park legally - last thing you want is a speeding notice or parking ticket coming through the post.


  • Guest
I would add :

6/ drive to the punt legally and park legally - last thing you want is a speeding notice or parking ticket coming through the post.

Good tip that would take some explaining!

7. Delete sat nav history especially on I-phone.
8. Have a genuine reason why you could be in the area so you don't have to lie where you are by saying I was in Manchester all day and your mate sees you in Liverpool etc.

Offline Stiltskin

Good tip that would take some explaining!

7. Delete sat nav history especially on I-phone.
+1 on that.

9. Make sure you're not logged in to Google maps. It records everywhere you've been. You can disable it here - External Link/Members Only
10. If carrying an iPhone, turn off Find iPhone or turn the phone off completely. If someone has your Apple password they can see exactly where you are.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 10:57:39 am by Stiltskin »

Offline Clicktocollect

if you're offered a shower take it. Even if you have come directly from your own shower

Offline smiths

11. Use a punting phone or sim, dont be tempted to use your own or business phone just in case. Same with emails, create a dedicated punting address, from what WGs on here have posted over the years some punters used their work email address to contact them.

12. Try not to go straight home if you have a partner, have a bite to eat or just chill for a while, collect your thoughts and double check there is no smell of perfume or lipstick on you or your clothes. If a WG smokes is your partner a non-smoker because if she is she might smell the smoke, even if a WG doesnt smoke while you are punting with her the smell of smoke could get on your clothes, check for this as well and have a reason ready if necessary, perhaps you gave a work colleague who is a smoker a lift home and thats how the smell got on your clothes. Or a guy smoking bumped into you and thats how it must of gotten onto you. If you drive put a deodorant in your car which your partner is aware of, its to keep the car smelling nice is your cover, it can also be used by you after a punt.

13. If finding the opportunity to punt is difficult because of her indoors look at starting a hobby that she will find believeable. Golf has served me well over the years, i do play it and even if its raining or a bit snowy the driving range might be open. I know a few punters use the going to the Gym as their cover, obviously some can use their work.

14. Never get complacent that you wont be caught out by her indoors, treat every punt as a top priority not to get caught out. 

15. Tell no one you punt, you might think you can trust a family member or friend but you could fall out later and they could put you in the shit.


  • Guest
if you're offered a shower take it. Even if you have come directly from your own shower

But don't feel like you have to spend 15 minutes in there to impress her.


  • Guest

- Shower well. The army teaches recruits to shower, which I thought strange, until I realised most blokes don't shower well. Soap up your nether regions well, you'll not get a good blowjob if you smell of shit (and you will, if you don't wash properly).

- Be polite, but firm. Confidence in you approach is much better. Including when you go to the meet in the first place. Walk up like you own the place, and you'll not look out of place.

- Eat and drink well before the meet. It's exercise, you'll get more out of it if you're fully fueled and ready.

- Shower well. Especially your nether regions.

- Speak to the girl on the phone first. If she sounds dodgy, skip it.

- Have a punting phone. A punting email. Use them and only them. Trust me, it'll save you panic in the long term. Anyone ask's about it, it's a old phone for use when you're at the gym/running/on hols etc etc.

- Talk to the girl, even if in between sessions. Every girl likes to be found interesting, attractive, unique. You'll be paid back with better service.

- Shower well. Jesus, just do it.


  • Guest
I would add :

6/ drive to the punt legally and park legally - last thing you want is a speeding notice or parking ticket coming through the post.

Don't  park in hotel car parks.....

I had 2 detectives knock on my door after they tracked me via the hotel  carpark CCTV (WG I'd been to see was busted by hotel staff)

Offline Tricky Dickie

11. Use a punting phone or sim, dont be tempted to use your own or business phone just in case. Same with emails, create a dedicated punting address, from what WGs on here have posted over the years some punters used their work email address to contact them.

I think using a punting email is essential even if you're not in a relationship. I've subscribed to a few girls who have newsletters that they email out with touring dates and that kind of thing. A while ago one of them put the email addresses in the "TO" field instead of the "BCC" field. So, everyone in the list also got a list of everyone else's email addresses. I was quite surprised how many there were of the form ""

Offline smiths

Don't  park in hotel car parks.....

I had 2 detectives knock on my door after they tracked me via the hotel  carpark CCTV (WG I'd been to see was busted by hotel staff)

My advice is park away from a WGs premises so she doesnt see your vehicle, it could be the case her pimp looks to rob cars while the punter is punting. When a WG says go to a set spot to park i am always suspicious and dont do so and make clear i will find my own parking, if thats a big problem to the WG bad luck. I would rather leave it and go elsewhere if it came to do. Most WGs i punt with arent bothered where i park.

Offline NottsNylonLuvr

There's a WG I really, REALLY want to check out but she's literally 2 miles from me. Too risky?
Maybe the risk is part of the attraction?

Offline laidbackasiandude

Blimey! Sounds like one is undertaking a covert military operation judging by some of the tips here!?

Just kidding, all sensible precautions especially if you have a partner, the only thing I would add here is just
be yourself on the day and act totally natural. If you have time prior to the session, go for a walk and also
stock up on some breath fresheners/mints or chewing gum.

Offline tesla

spend time doing your research and go with your gut feeling... if it feels wrong walk or back out or cancel.

advice I wish someone had given me years ago

have a plan B, or many plan B's

Offline smiths

There's a WG I really, REALLY want to check out but she's literally 2 miles from me. Too risky?
Maybe the risk is part of the attraction?

I have punted with a WG who became a regular for a while who worked a few streets away from me. I havent a problem if they are at least a couple of streets away but i know some punters have and punt well away from their home area. I dont see 2 miles as much of a risk.

Offline smiths

spend time doing your research and go with your gut feeling... if it feels wrong walk or back out or cancel.

advice I wish someone had given me years ago

have a plan B, or many plan B's

More good advice. I have found having a plan B option usually a regular makes walking if i have to much easier.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Don't  park in hotel car parks.....

I had 2 detectives knock on my door after they tracked me via the hotel  carpark CCTV (WG I'd been to see was busted by hotel staff)

I don't believe you.      :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Jimmyredcab

spend time doing your research and go with your gut feeling... if it feels wrong walk or back out or cancel.

Very good advice, but I no longer bother with a plan B, if it goes tits up there is always tomorrow.    :hi:

Offline Bangers and Gash

1. Shave cock and balls the day before you punt.

2. Don't go punting with a wallet full of cash and cards.

3. Be wary of pro$$ies who don't talk on the phone - you could be exchanging saucy texts with Sergei.

4. Never tell a pro$$ie to raise her prices.

5. Don't go for a dump in a pro$$ies toilet - apparently, they don't like this!

6. Never accept the offer of a massage - it's just a timewasting tactic.

7. Before booking a punt: always, always, always, cut and paste the pro$$ies unique AW 6 digit code into UK Punting's search box.

8. Don't accept the offer of bareback, regardless of how many times she says how 'special' you are.

9. Always check the towels before a shower. Chances are that half a dozen punters have already flossed their cracks with it that day.

10. Always remember it's just a paid fuck, a business transaction, it's not dating - that goes for both parties.


Randy James

  • Guest
Try not to use AW at home , but if do delete all history. Delete all enail hx too inc sent and deleted folders. Try to get a punting phone ( I need one myself).

Offline Tricky Dickie

Try not to use AW at home , but if do delete all history. Delete all enail hx too inc sent and deleted folders.

Sooner or later you're going to forget to do that. Why not instead use a browser off a memory stick. You can get a USB stick for couple of quid and 10 minutes on and you're good to go.

Captain Caveman

  • Guest

15. Tell no one you punt, you might think you can trust a family member or friend but you could fall out later and they could put you in the shit.

+1. Treat punting like being in the Magical Circle: you don't reveal the tricks to outsiders.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Don't  park in hotel car parks.....

I had 2 detectives knock on my door after they tracked me via the hotel  carpark CCTV (WG I'd been to see was busted by hotel staff)

Jeez! Why were they interested in you?


  • Guest

Don't  park in hotel car parks.....

I had 2 detectives knock on my door after they tracked me via the hotel  carpark CCTV (WG I'd been to see was busted by hotel staff)

I don't believe you.      :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Jeez! Why were they interested in you?

The EE WG I'd been to see had used contact details that had been used by some other EE WG's who had caused criminal damage; details red flagged so they called the police. Police then came

and interviewed her and reviewed the car park CCTV found me then 2 detectives came knocking on my door......

They were very interested to know if i'd spoken to a 3rd party in arranging the meet or if there was someone else present when I got to the room......

I was very careful to stress that all dealings were between myself and the WG only......

I nearly shit my pants.......

Fortunately, I'm single and none of my house-mates were around so it wasn't a big deal, but I did have to go down to the police station to make a statement which wasn't a particularly pleasant


So DON'T park in hotel car parks.......

p.s. Jimmyredcab - go fuck yourself  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Tricky Dickie

[...] but I did have to go down to the police station to make a statement which wasn't a particularly pleasant experience.....

No you didn't if you weren't being charged with an offence (which of course you wouldn't be). The police are expert are giving the impression you have fewer rights than you really do. Bastards.

Offline tesla

2. Don't go punting with a wallet full of cash and cards.


I once found some poor guys credit card on the floor in a WG's flat in London, must have fallen out of his wallet or pocket. I gave to the bank it was issued from saying I had found it on the street


  • Guest
And don't let your balls take over your brains.  That's the most important thing ever. If it looks to good to be true it probably is.


  • Guest
1. Shave cock and balls the day before you punt.

2. Don't go punting with a wallet full of cash and cards.

3. Be wary of pro$$ies who don't talk on the phone - you could be exchanging saucy texts with Sergei.

4. Never tell a pro$$ie to raise her prices.

5. Don't go for a dump in a pro$$ies toilet - apparently, they don't like this!

6. Never accept the offer of a massage - it's just a timewasting tactic.

7. Before booking a punt: always, always, always, cut and paste the pro$$ies unique AW 6 digit code into UK Punting's search box.

8. Don't accept the offer of bareback, regardless of how many times she says how 'special' you are.

9. Always check the towels before a shower. Chances are that half a dozen punters have already flossed their cracks with it that day.

10. Always remember it's just a paid fuck, a business transaction, it's not dating - that goes for both parties.


That's an important one!   :hi:

On the day, if you nick yourself down there, a good punt is less likely due to implied risk of infection.

It could be sods law, but I always seem to need a dump a couple of hours before the punt, often after a soak in the bath!. Hence a shower on arrival is paramount for me. :cool:


  • Guest

7. Before booking a punt: always, always, always, cut and paste the pro$$ies unique AW 6 digit code into UK Punting's search box.

Um. What's that one for? What does it tell you?

Offline Bangers and Gash

Um. What's that one for? What does it tell you?

Because it flags-up all UKP comments and reviews about that particular proz. AW feedback / reviews are worth nothing.

I can't believe the amount of lolly I've saved and bullets I've dodged using that search box.



  • Guest
Ah, makes sense. I read it as the AW search box for some reason. I was wondering why I'd search for a user that way! I should learn to read.


  • Guest
The first rule of punting is don't talk about punting to anyone. Loose lips sink ships

Don't shit on your own doorstep, it's not worth the risk

If she opens the door and your cock says wow but your head says bow, get the fuck out of dodge or you will end up making a post punt walk of shame back to your car followed by (at least) an evening of self loathing


  • Guest
The first rule of punting is don't talk about punting

The second rule of punting (club) is you do not talk about punting (club).


Offline Mr Farkyhars

If she opens the door and your cock says wow but your head says bow

Can you please explain that one? I have no idea what you might mean :unknown:


  • Guest
Can you please explain that one? I have no idea what you might mean :unknown:

If she looks like a dog ( bow wow) walk even if your cock wants to slip into the pink


  • Guest
Where do you find her unique six digit code? I can't seem to find it.  :unknown:


  • Guest
That's because it's 7 digits. It's in each profile you load, in the http string, after user ID.

For instance:

External Link/Members Only2285420


  • Guest
Where do you find her unique six digit code? I can't seem to find it.  :unknown:

It's actually a 7-digit ID. You can get it at the bottom of the profile page, where it says "Link to this Profile Page using", it's the number after the "External Link/Members Only" link. Or you can get it from the page URL itself in your browser bar - it's the number after "UserID=".


  • Guest
I get ya. Wondered if it was that, except for the extra digit. Thanks.

Offline WelshMichael

If the girl/profile/services offered/price looks too good to be true it probably is.

Andre 3000

  • Guest
The first rule of punting is don't talk about punting to anyone. Loose lips sink ships

Don't shit on your own doorstep, it's not worth the risk

If she opens the door and your cock says wow but your head says bow, get the fuck out of dodge or you will end up making a post punt walk of shame back to your car followed by (at least) an evening of self loathing

I've always been shocked that some punters talk abut their 'hobby' with mates.

That would be a massive no no even if I was single.


  • Guest
I got a question. If you see profiles for several girls, all different, and they all 'work' from the same flat, is this something to be suspicious of?

Does this mean it's a brothel, or they are all sharing the place to meet clients?

Offline Jimmyredcab

p.s. Jimmyredcab - go fuck yourself  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I have been a member here for four years and never said that to another member, a bit of friendly advice, don't push your luck.   :hi:

Andre 3000

  • Guest
I got a question. If you see profiles for several girls, all different, and they all 'work' from the same flat, is this something to be suspicious of?

Does this mean it's a brothel, or they are all sharing the place to meet clients?

Not always but I hate 'working flats' no privacy and too busy.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've always been shocked that some punters talk abut their 'hobby' with mates.

That would be a massive no no even if I was single.

Why ???????????????

I am not ashamed to be a punter, my friends love to hear about my adventures --------- all my friends are non-punters.   :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I got a question. If you see profiles for several girls, all different, and they all 'work' from the same flat, is this something to be suspicious of?

Does this mean it's a brothel, or they are all sharing the place to meet clients?

If two or more girls operate from the same premises then it is classed as a brothel ---------- even if they are not working for a boss.


  • Guest
I am not ashamed to be a punter, my friends love to hear about my adventures --------- all my friends are non-punters.   :hi:

That's pretty cool if you can do it! Is it because you're 100% sure none of your mates will ever let anything slip, or just that you don't envisage ever being in any kind of civvie relationship?