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Author Topic: Have you told a WG your real name?  (Read 8822 times)

Offline mattylondon

Real first, that's all I disclose. It would impact quite adversely for me if she used a name that wasn't mine when in the act. Wouldn't go floppy or anything but it's more intense when she says my name as she asks me to fuck her!
See, I'm completely the opposite.

It almost has comedic value when she's shouting out a fake name during the act! It just reinforces the reality that it's all fake and I enjoy listening to how much she tries to milk it, whilst I'm pounding her from behind. Add to that bit of light hair pulling and me asking her to keep repeat my name, whilst doing so!  :D

Offline Private Parts

I think we are all grown up enough to go on gut feel. Regs by implication need your trust as you do theirs.
One offs? Nom de pork sword time.
Unless of course our esteemed colleagues feel otherwise
PP :hi:

Offline socks

See, I'm completely the opposite.

It almost has comedic value when she's shouting out a fake name during the act! It just reinforces the reality that it's all fake and I enjoy listening to how much she tries to milk it, whilst I'm pounding her from behind. Add to that bit of light hair pulling and me asking her to keep repeat my name, whilst doing so!  :D

Wow what a great idea!!! I just might give that a go. Now what name to choose, any offers, anyone? How about I try to pull off a Sergei?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 10:20:25 pm by socks »

Offline mattylondon

See, I'm completely the opposite.

It almost has comedic value when she's shouting out a fake name during the act! It just reinforces the reality that it's all fake and I enjoy listening to how much she tries to milk it, whilst I'm pounding her from behind. Add to that bit of light hair pulling and me asking her to keep repeat my name, whilst doing so!  :D

Wow what a great idea!!! I just might give that a go. Now what name to choose, any offers, anyone? How about I try to pull off a Sergei?
It's really great fun. I recommend that people try it and see for themselves.  :D

My crowning achievement was booking a hotel under Tyler Durden and yes, she was screaming out my name!  :cool:

First rule of Fight club is....................

Offline daveev

All the time, i never bother, being single guy doesn't really matter,   and lots of working girls end up telling me there real names,


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See, I'm completely the opposite.

It almost has comedic value when she's shouting out a fake name during the act! It just reinforces the reality that it's all fake and I enjoy listening to how much she tries to milk it, whilst I'm pounding her from behind. Add to that bit of light hair pulling and me asking her to keep repeat my name, whilst doing so!  :D

Wow what a great idea!!! I just might give that a go. Now what name to choose, any offers, anyone? How about I try to pull off a Sergei?

Go for philip mark hunt and tell her you like her to say your name quickly. I wouldn't use sergei if your punting an EE pro. She will probably think your planning on kidnapping her and tying her to piss stained mattress in stratford.

Offline Private Parts

Phil McCaverty for our kilted bretheren?

Tony Montana

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Only one now-retired girl knows my last name but she was so drunk when I told her she has probably (hopefully) forgotten it.

At least three girls have shown me their personal facebook profiles with their full names on there and one of those showed me the FB profile of her WG mate.

Offline Tailpipe

There have been a few over the years that have know who I am , but I would not recommend
It , but I have never had a problem as may be I am just lucky. I suppose.

As now long divorce , think is a huge no no if you are married.

If you take wg away with you holiday or business trips as I have in the past it's hard
Not to know each other's name .

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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Mike Hunt? :

There's a guy on my local forum called Mike Oxnyce.  :)

Offline Boundless

I'd never risk it, there's just too much information out there.

A WG I've seen a few times had a guy pestering her and being a knob to the point that she was seriously considering packing it in. He'd had an outcall with her and used his real name to book the hotel/restaurant etc. She told me it and after 10 minutes on the net I had his address, occupation, family details even a picture of his house. I didn't reveal any of this to her and he has now stopped contacting her but it goes to show what's out there.

I have been using the same false name and details for quite a while now, complete with back story. The only difference is that as I get older my age tends to stay the same!  :)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 11:19:28 pm by Boundless »


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Nice dox.  You want to tick the box not to go on the reduced register when you fill in the electoral roll form to avoid that, and go ex directory on your land line if possible for free.  Googling yourself is always a good double check for reassurance.

Offline myothernameis

My aw profile, has my real name, but in a foreign language, and when I make bookings with aw escorts, I always tell them my real name


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See, I'm completely the opposite.

It almost has comedic value when she's shouting out a fake name during the act! It just reinforces the reality that it's all fake and I enjoy listening to how much she tries to milk it, whilst I'm pounding her from behind. Add to that bit of light hair pulling and me asking her to keep repeat my name, whilst doing so!  :D

Juan king always make me laugh  :D

Offline CBPaul

I've used the same punting name throughout, started when I punted street girls. In hindsight it was stupid then because if I got pulled by the police I'd be even more fucked when the prossie called me by a false name.

Kept the same name going and only blurted my real name out once, the prossie actually opened the hotel room door, shook my hand and introduced herself. For a split second I thought I'd walked into a work meeting and without thinking gave me real Christian name. Not that I've been to many meetings where I've met a sexy young blonde girl wearing only a bra and knickers. Might try imagining it tomorrow when things get boring though.

My thought is that if I ever fucked up, met a prossie in civvy street or a prossie phoned me and Mrs CBP got wind of it they would be calling me by the wrong name - easier to say daft tart must be mistaken.

Offline CBPaul

Juan king always make me laugh  :D


How about Wayne Kerr

And the Ozzy Osbourne favourite, Harry Bollocks - said in an American accent.

Offline socks


How about Wayne Kerr

And the Ozzy Osbourne favourite, Harry Bollocks - said in an American accent.
I'm tempted to come up with a nickname as close to implausable as I can get away with but which I can convince her all my mates call me and that sounds funny if she'd say it when I'm at the point of no return.  Fridge, or big end, or baldy, or matilda or something.

Offline Urban_G

Mike Hunt? :
Or his lesser known brother, Isaac ;)

I don't have a particularly common name so I've mostly used a different name (always the same one), however, on some rare occasions I have blurted out my real name.

I've also bumped into a wg in a Sainsbury's near me, she was working on the small cigarette tills. I was with a work mate and she obviously recognised me but luckily didn't call me by my false name. She just served me as she would any other customer and gave me a cheeky smile. On the way out my mate said 'I think she liked you', but I just brushed it off said 'Ye, probably,' got in the van and drove away.

Offline Johny Stone

I'm Johny for everything related to punting or internet and I am careful not to disclose my real name as I'm super paranoid as my missus is a savvy computer geek   :scare:

Offline Mij

I've always used fake names, although usually stick with one for few years to remember it. On the 3rd iteration now.......anagrams work too! ;-)

A couple of WG's have told me their real names, and even have become facebook friends with my punting FB page. Another one used some of her time with me to call a friend to get a lift back...."Hi, it's Michelle...." ... oops!  :-)

Offline Cactus

That's an odd name: Terry Fuck    :D

I wish it was Terry Fuck. You don't fuck with Terry Fuck.

Being from Scotland, my personal fave that I've used before is Wullie Puller

Offline Cactus

On the flip side I once went to a pros sir who advertised using a Christian name, something along the lines of Crystal, or something of that ilk. Getting down to business & I notice she's wearing a necklace wither her real name on it.


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Thats bollocks really. Any half decent pro isnt going to come up to you in public. They should ignore you.

As someone who doesnt give my real name to a lot of Civvy birds I ve shagged. I can tell you its easy to front it out. You stare them straight in the eyes and say sorry you must have the wrong person

I've done this a couple of times when girls have come up to me in clubs, said hello, then gotten really offended when I literally have no fucking idea who they are.  It's only after they've stormed off that I vaguely recall pulling them and shagging them whilst I was off my face.   Shame really, as I could probably have arranged a repeat performance.


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It's never ever crossed my mind to give a false name, just don't see the point. They get my real first name but as its ubber common then no danger to me.


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I'd never give a WG my real name, even first name, or any other real detail about me. In my early days of punting I was sometimes caught off guard when they asked, and it's taken me a few moments to remember my fake one! That used to embarrass the hell out of me when it happened, till I realised the girls know everyone uses a fake name, and they don't honestly give a flying fuck what my name is anyway.  :D

Offline Boundless

I'm Johny for everything related to punting or internet and I am careful not to disclose my real name as I'm super paranoid as my missus is a savvy computer geek   :scare:

That must be every punter's worst nightmare, a computer savvy mrs!!

Mine has to ask me how to cut and paste - unless it's all a bluff of course and she's tracing my every move on AW!  :scare:

Offline Boundless

I'd never give a WG my real name, even first name, or any other real detail about me. In my early days of punting I was sometimes caught off guard when they asked, and it's taken me a few moments to remember my fake one! That used to embarrass the hell out of me when it happened, till I realised the girls know everyone uses a fake name, and they don't honestly give a flying fuck what my name is anyway.  :D

On a similar theme, one of my regs and all time faves has changed her name 3 times over the years and I find it very difficult to say "suck my cock Susie" when I know it's not her name. I know that 99% of WGs use a work name anyway but this just rubs it in.

Offline CoolTiger

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On a similar theme, one of my regs and all time faves has changed her name 3 times over the years and I find it very difficult to say "suck my cock Susie" when I know it's not her name. I know that 99% of WGs use a work name anyway but this just rubs it in.

That happens quite often.... I simply continue to use the name that she was using when I first saw her, cos that's how I remember her, and her notes are accordingly stored that way..... Cindy Veron is a current example... She's Just changed her name to KatyMay.  Altohugh I've not seen her, I 've stored all her info/noted under Cindy, and will keep it that way.

Offline Paul31

My regular knows my real name and I know hers and others bits of info about each other including birthdays


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Told one girl me real christian name many moons ago, most know me by either seeker or my personal favourite. Cuthbert Allgood.


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Sometimes I use a false name for a first booking and generally tell the girl my real first name if I see her again, can't be bothered to keep using a fake one.

But I've never had any problem seeing a WG in a non-punting context, at the most I've walked past a girl and we said hi to each other (both on our own). 

Generally when I've seen a girl regularly for a while I've ended up knowing her real first name, it just slips out sometimes, and regulars I've kept seeing for years I've ended up knowing their full names and vice versa, I'm comfortable they'd never do anything with it.

This thread reminds me of a dominatrix who said on her blog she'd had to turn down a contact request on LinkedIn to her work email from a client !


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Offline punk

never,never use your real name, they dont why should you?

Offline superchamp

Same name that I use at the GUM clinic - David Cameron  :dance:


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I like to use Asif.
As if I would use my real name?
Only to my regular lady, since I have known her for many years.
Otherwise I would use Asif.


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I would have though punting 101 would dictate that you make up a punting name and stick to it. That way if you get an indiscrete one who calls you to try to solicit business or is just a bunny boiler you can give them the only "I think you have the wrong number...".
When I started out I use to make one up on the fly but 9 time out of ten I would panic so now I have a real name and a punting name.

As for showing them your Facebook, really? the last thing you want is "lusty Anal queen Lucy BB 69" wading in to an argument or thanking you for a great hour last night on your timeline (OK I don't do Facebook so don't even know what a timeline is).


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I would have though punting 101 would dictate that you make up a punting name and stick to it. That way if you get an indiscrete one who calls you to try to solicit business or is just a bunny boiler you can give them the only "I think you have the wrong number...".
When I started out I use to make one up on the fly but 9 time out of ten I would panic so now I have a real name and a punting name.

As for showing them your Facebook, really? the last thing you want is "lusty Anal queen Lucy BB 69" wading in to an argument or thanking you for a great hour last night on your timeline (OK I don't do Facebook so don't even know what a timeline is).

Yes I dont get this either. I am curious to know why people do it ? Is it just to look at pictures of them or to find out more info on them ? It confuses the hell out of me

Offline valdishere

never,never use your real name, they dont why should you?

+1 So simple but so true

Offline CoolTiger

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I like to use Asif.
As if I would use my real name?
Only to my regular lady, since I have known her for many years.
Otherwise I would use Asif.

What do you call a good looking Asian?

As if  :D

Grabs his coat!!


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Maybe once or twice.. Generally just use a made up name


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Pretty much everyone I know in the industry knows my real name. And vice versa. So what? Obviously this information wasn't exchanged on Day One, but there comes a point where it's pretty stupid calling someone you've known for years "Candy" when her name is actually Jessica, and her calling you John-Boy when you're name is Colin.  I mean WTF... Do you give your other friends pseudonyms too or do you consider girls you punt with regularly to be a separate class of human being that require an advanced degree of subterfuge in order to engage with?


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Pretty much everyone I know in the industry knows my real name. And vice versa. So what? Obviously this information wasn't exchanged on Day One, but there comes a point where it's pretty stupid calling someone you've known for years "Candy" when her name is actually Jessica, and her calling you John-Boy when you're name is Colin.  I mean WTF... Do you give your other friends pseudonyms too or do you consider girls you punt with regularly to be a separate class of human being that require an advanced degree of subterfuge in order to engage with?

It's a good point, but for most people I think the real and punting worlds are two very separate parallel worlds which if they ever collided would be a unmitigating fcuking disaster. Thus the name at least gives a heads up warning and get out clause. I was in a strip bar a few years ago (Browns) with work colleagues and one of the ladies who I saw in a escort capacity was doing the £1 in the pint mug floor walk and saw me and immediately made beeline for me started to open dialogue of what I had been up to and where I had been... Their was no way I could know her in the "real" world as we were so different in every aspect but the "I think you have the wrong person" got me out of that situation.

That said a few years ago I was introduced to an escorts 'workmate' and she introduced her using a totally different name to her "professional name" which was almost certainly her real name. It was strange calling her Bernie when we both knew I knew her name was Natasha...


Offline mattylondon

Pretty much everyone I know in the industry knows my real name. And vice versa. So what? Obviously this information wasn't exchanged on Day One, but there comes a point where it's pretty stupid calling someone you've known for years "Candy" when her name is actually Jessica, and her calling you John-Boy when you're name is Colin.  I mean WTF... Do you give your other friends pseudonyms too or do you consider girls you punt with regularly to be a separate class of human being that require an advanced degree of subterfuge in order to engage with?
Utter nonsense! Both your ridiculous analogy and where it relates to paid sexual services.

When I'm doing business, punting wise, it isn't with 'friends'. A prostitute isn't my friend. A prostitute isn't even your friend. You're deluded if you really believe that. If you know a prostitute, who you consider a 'friend', tell me this then. Is it always free, with no strings or do you pay?  :wacko:

One can be friendly, without being friends. A lot of people punt in secret. Many have a great deal to lose, if what they enjoyed doing became common knowledge. Part of avoiding it becoming common knowledge is protecting one's privacy. It's called DISCRETION.  :hi:

A surefire way of being one of those stupid cunts, who is loose lipped, caught or yes, even having to change their UKP name, is when they get careless and place too much faith in people they don't really know. Now you may not care but I can assure you that I and others do.  :hi:

I hope that any new punter, reading this, who has something to lose, pays no attention to some of the dangerous and complacent nonsense that you and a couple of others have posted.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 01:38:39 pm by mattylondon »


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I hope that any new punter, reading this, who has something to lose, pays no attention to some of the dangerous and complacent nonsense that you and a couple of others have posted.  :rolleyes:

Indeed Matty, I would also hope that they wouldnt add them to facebook or twitter etc. No good can come of it in the Long Term. In my humble opinion if your a punter with something to lose.


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I hope that any new punter, reading this, who has something to lose, pays no attention to some of the dangerous and complacent nonsense that you and a couple of others have posted.  :rolleyes:

Absolutely, it's a slippery slope and even if your single at the moment with 'nothing to loose', who's to say that in a months time you won't find the love of your life and who want's to start a relationship explaining how 90% of their Facebook friends are escorts... You need to face the fact that no matter how well you seem to get along in the hour you are paying for, outside of that she, like you, have a different life and your only involvement in it that life is to part fund it. 

Offline punk

Yes I dont get this either. I am curious to know why people do it ? Is it just to look at pictures of them or to find out more info on them ? It confuses the hell out of me

they like having loads of birds following them on face ache  :scare: