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Author Topic: A bad jumper for christmas AKA lovelyemily106  (Read 1608 times)

32 review(s) for xxLovelyEmilyxx (22 positive, 6 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by ]
75 review(s) for this service provider (AdultWork - 6630750) (63 positive, 8 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline anonvip20

Hi All

I've been on the site a short time, only done a handful of punts both in the USA and UK. No reviews until now as I haven't really seen the need, only seen one UK girl and she was very good (GoodBumGirl) who is not around and she'd been reviewed elsewhere.

So theres a girl who is half my age but I almost ended up in bed with her a few years ago, she's now back in my life in a non sexual way and my sex compass is going mental. So I thought the best way to cure this was to find a girl who's about the same age and is built with the same proportions. Having a good old hunt around on AW stumbled me onto a few girls, ended up settling on

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Comms were good, 30 minutes of fun booked in for earlier today. Confirmed OWO and FK was on the cards.

Arrived and was greeted by a nice looking girl with a nice body. Lead to the bedroom where she sat down onto the bed and I sort of got the feeling she really wasn't interested, never had that reaction before in the UK or the USA. I thought never mind, maybe things will get better so asked for a shower, it was ok, a bit dribbly with tiny towels but all good. Back into the bedroom.

I'd read reviews that she's passive but I would beg to differ. I think the words are cold, disinterested and not very good at her job. FK was a joke, lips didn't open once. She was clean and dressed in a sexy black dress but I guess when you go and visit a WG you wanna feel wanted. My punts are always about the GFE experience and on this occasion that experience must have been in another town with someone else, all I was getting was the feeling that she couldn't wait till it was done and my mood was going the same way.

Anyway, as a true starship trooper I carried on, undressed her, then myself (lol), moved to the bed. She gave a poor OWO, pulled her into 69, every time I went near her pussy she pulled away, got the feeling she was sore or something, which was weird as she let me finger her whilst pecking my lips. I really was losing all interest at this point, she tried to put on a condom and soon realised I wasn't very erect, so a bit more OWO and then on with the jonny. Some cowgirl without actually ridiing me and this was the point I kind of new I wasn't going to pop. She really was not doing a good job of even pretending to be interested and I flopped out. She then went back to OWO, I was feeling sorry for her so decided to fantisize over the girl I almost ended up bedding to try and pop. I did pop as a result of that and fair play to her she took it CIM.

So it was all over, she asked me if I wanted a shower, I said no thanks as I really wanted to jump out of the window but I quickly got dressed and legged it.

Pretty unsatisfying punt, I like the GFE experience and if thats your thing this isn't the girl for you. If your going to dominate and do everything your way maybe you'll have a totally different experience.

As for the looks, yes pretty, a bit of teen tummy but not cup or tea to be honest.

Giving a neutral as she did stuff on her menu, she was clean, she kept the booking and I'm not sure how different my experience would have been had I dominated. I'm also sure others will find her more attractive then I did.

Hope that helps someone!

p.s. any real you GFE recommendations in London or north/east M25 area please do let me know....


  • Guest
Good review - pretty much sums up my experience with Emily106 recently.  She is passive, distant and disinterested and stopped me during RO when she was about to cum, "Ok thats enough now" and I smiled at her and she almost smiled back.  She then positioned herself in Cowgirl to restrict movement, but then she did something amazing.  She put one arm around the back of my head and slowly opened up a little more and gently rode me in cowgirl for 10 minutes but avoided eye contact.  Onto Mish and I was as gentle as possible, but no reaction out of her and no eye contact but it was surprisingly enjoyable. 

I left slightly disappointed, but I'll definitely see her again and again.  My mission is to make her smile, just once and I don't care what it costs. 

Offline PLeisure

My mission is to make her smile, just once and I don't care what it costs.
Gotta admire the commitment, fl0at  :hi:

To me - and I haven't seen her but she stubbornly remains in my HL - she's a pretty young girl that you'd really want to thoroughly ravish. Only problem being that she's just not ever going to go there  :unknown:

anonvip20 - welcome to UKP and kudos for going ahead and reviewing what sounds like a very mediocre punt, at best.
If you can be bothered, I'd be grateful for any details on, "was greeted by a nice looking girl with a nice body" but no pressure if you'd rather forget the whole thing.

Here's to a better experience next time  :thumbsup:

Offline anonvip20

Hi PLeisure

Sure, so I'd say she's slim, very slight tummy but fit. Body of a girl in her teens. Difficult to judge exactly how pretty because of the lack of eye contact. In summary I'd say not girl next door pretty but more a girl who thinks she's fitter then she actually she is if that makes any sense. Having said that she doesn't come across as having any form of ego. I guess that was my problem with the whole thing, I just couldn't get a read on her at all!

Offline anonvip20

fl0atab1lity good luck with that, I think your best chance is being the first punt of the day!

Offline PLeisure

Sure, so I'd say she's slim, very slight tummy but fit. Body of a girl in her teens. Difficult to judge exactly how pretty because of the lack of eye contact. In summary I'd say not girl next door pretty but more a girl who thinks she's fitter then she actually she is if that makes any sense. Having said that she doesn't come across as having any form of ego. I guess that was my problem with the whole thing, I just couldn't get a read on her at all!
Nicely summarised, thank you  :drinks:

I think your concluding remark says it all, regrettably... she sounds intensely protective of herself. Deep down, she probably knows she shouldn't be doing this kind of work :(


  • Guest
fl0atab1lity good luck with that, I think your best chance is being the first punt of the day!
No it would take A LOT more than that.  I will be the first punt of 2016 when she gets back.  An overnight booking at a luxury 5 star hotel, Start off with an expensive steak, a little wine, a few hours in the bar, a shared bath, a long massage for her, a romantic comedy on netflix.  Go to sleep on separate sides of the gigantic emperor bed.  Wake up in the morning and ask if she wants to stay for Breakfast or if she has to go.  Pause!

Wait for her to smile, grab the £1000 and walk briskly towards the door.  If she stops at the door, turns around and fucks my brains out, the £1000 fee would seem like pocket money :hi:

Offline PLeisure

Your optimism is off the scale, fl0at !

Offline lewishamguy

To me - and I haven't seen her but she stubbornly remains in my HL - she's a pretty young girl that you'd really want to thoroughly ravish. Only problem being that she's just not ever going to go there  :unknown:

Apparently she came through as a masseuse. If you read her very first reviews you'll notice that. She's good for b2b massage but GFE is very limited. I found her massage technique is very good compare to some parlours where you'll pay the same amount just for a basic rub and tug and so called b2b massage. So if you're looking for a good b2b massage and happy ending with sex then you may try her but you're after a full GFE then look elsewhere.


Offline lewishamguy

No it would take A LOT more than that.  I will be the first punt of 2016 when she gets back.  An overnight booking at a luxury 5 star hotel, Start off with an expensive steak, a little wine, a few hours in the bar, a shared bath, a long massage for her, a romantic comedy on netflix.  Go to sleep on separate sides of the gigantic emperor bed.  Wake up in the morning and ask if she wants to stay for Breakfast or if she has to go.  Pause!

Wait for her to smile, grab the £1000 and walk briskly towards the door.  If she stops at the door, turns around and fucks my brains out, the £1000 fee would seem like pocket money :hi:

Perhaps you should marry her. :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Perhaps you should marry her. :sarcastic:
I'm not fluffy, I would never marry a fucking hooker.  I just want to make this hooker smile, I know there is a smile, and an orgasm desperate to come out, if she just lets go a little.

Offline lewishamguy

I'm not fluffy, I would never marry a fucking hooker.  I just want to make this hooker smile, I know there is a smile, and an orgasm desperate to come out, if she just lets go a little.

£1000 for a smile. Well of course you've more money than sense.



  • Guest
£1000 for a smile. Well of course you've more money than sense.
Or 7 hours while she is sleeping to switch the envelopes  :drinks:


  • Guest
Nice review. I have been to the same flat but to see a different girl. I was tempted by the girl you saw as I like 'em young but if there's no passion there for a decent GFE I'll give her a miss.

Offline Nowornever

Thanks for the review...its a shame she was on the "to do list" but is dropping down the pecking does sounds like she lacks a bit of attitude


  • Guest
It was on my second of many punts where we really clicked, and I love making her giggle.

I think anyone from her will tell you she us android like on first encounter, but she warms later on.

Offline anonvip20

Thats good to know, not sure I'll bring myself to have a second punt with her but its good to know anyway.